Brillo Magazine

Brillo is an Italian illustration magazine born in April 2020, during the lockdown, with the aim of offering a showcase to emerging artists and illustrators. Brillo is not characterized by a single theme for each issue, but collects illustrations on various topics.
Not just illustration, among the pages of the magazine there are also columns dedicated to the world of art .
Printed 100% with solar energy.

Born as an Instagram page, it soon evolved into a magazine to give the right importance and rendering to the illustrations through paper. The result is that of an extremely well-curated magazine , from content to aesthetics.
Brillo is printed entirely thanks to the renewable energy of Grafiche Antiga's photovoltaic panels . This photovoltaic system covers an area of 10,000 m² and produces on average 630,000 kW/h per year, reducing CO2 production by 319,000 kg per year.
Since 2020, our work has been based on the continuous search and discovery of new talents , supported and stimulated by an integrated community of professionals, companies, students and art lovers.
In addition to the editorial part, we also deal with scouting and art direction to help the most prestigious brands find and involve the perfect talent for their most exciting projects.