inCF Magazine

inCf , acronym for "in chief", is a new independent Italian visual arts magazine. The peculiarity of the magazine, from which its name also derives, is that each issue is entrusted to a different editor in chief who proposes the theme of the edition he curates and with whom the editorial team defines the editorial line and develops the contents.
In this new issue of inCf Magazine we have taken the concept of "Sunday Best" as a starting point to reflect on our contemporaneity. The Cambridge Dictionary defines Sunday Best as “your best clothes, which you wear on special occasions”. The expression originates in Catholic culture, where the best clothes were reserved exclusively for religious and Sunday functions. Starting from the opposition between workwear and Sunday outfit, we focused on the comparison between the function and aesthetics of objects , asking ourselves how and what are the elements through which we express our idea of ​​"Sunday Best" today.