
Sirene is an independent magazine for all those who love the ocean and feel close to the sea even when they are far from it, printed on seaweed paper .
Sirene is a story - of waves and dunes, of wood and canvas, of islands and whales, of sails and surfing, of tattoos and seaweed, of secret itineraries and underwater mysteries.
Inside you will find stories and pieces of life closely linked to the sea and its life which is little disturbed by the miserable events of earthly life.

For every half kilo of fresh seaweed, one kilo of wood is saved. The entire production process has been scrupulously studied to achieve minimal environmental impact.
Large pages of recycled paper , rough and porous as only slicks of salt water can be, large white spaces, pure as a sea horizon, and stories that will put you on the same wavelength with a growing community that looks to the oceans as the intersection of the planet's destinies.
Sailing boats, divers, fishermen, simple ferry commuters, exotic villages, subsistence fishing, Sirene tells with the common thread of light wisdom that only the sea can give the emotions, the deep feelings and the stories it can tell.