
With a convenient format and a clean layout, Suq . accompanies us to discover an unconventional Sicily . Much more than just a travel magazine, within its pages it communicates the beauty of one of the most surprising areas of our country.

Souq . it is photography, story, feeling, travel, nostalgia, desire and beauty, that of a new culture and a new way of seeing and experiencing Sicily.

Avoid centrality and conventional protagonism, seek an alternative experience as in the suburban market of ancient Arab cities, far from the luxury and luster of central squares.

Let's take note in the passages, to tell the substratum of an island that for too long now has been paralyzed by the symbols of its folkloric iconography .

We continue to bet on paper to recover the lost quality of physical things that smell of truth .

We believe in a new treasure to discover and bring to light and, as heritage hunters, we propose new ways of enjoying and experiencing our continent: Sicily.

During the journey we observe how the transformation of our surroundings contaminates us, that this immaterial process escapes the will, that oxymorons resist until we violate them.

From the trip we are learning to return to Nature .

Royal Utopia .